Our school aims to provide the best education services for its students. The aim of the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is to provide all the fundamental and necessary support in as many ways as possible to help students perform to their optimum potential and equip them with skills to function independently in the mainstream class.

In order to achieve this goal, the LRC provides resources, remedial services and any other kind of support that may be necessary to help students cope with the demands of the mainstream curriculum. The LRC teachers work in small groups which enables close observation, interaction and effective remediation, which may not be possible in a mainstream classroom.
The Board in its own way offers support and concessions to these students by sanctioning 15 minutes extra writing time per hour of the paper, an amanuensis for those with dysgraphia, readers for the question papers and in severe cases, an exemption from the Second Language.

Our Process

Identify Students

Identify students facing difficulties in coping with the class expectations and standards.

Provide Support Materials

Provide support materials and strategies for students and parents to cope effectively with the class demands.

Provide Support

Provide remedial help (upto standard 4) and parallel curriculum support (upto standard 10).

Stay in Touch

Remain in contact with the mainstream teachers for a feedback on the students progress.

Take Psycho Educational Testing

Provide referrals for psycho educational testing, if and when necessary.

Be Quick

Mainstream the child as soon as possible.